Help/FAQs:Preparation of WAV file for voice broadcast

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Preparation of WAV file for voice broadcast

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Preparation of WAV file for voice broadcast


WAV files must be in PCM format, 8-bit Mono.


If you are not familiar with audio recording software, or do not have the facilities to do this already, we recommend you use WavePad Audio Editing Software from NCH Software (  This software can be downloaded for free, or you can get a paid version as well.


You can use WavePad software to record the file on your computer. The software will not prompt you for the setting of the parametres until after you have recorded it. Once you have recorded the file, and you hit “Save As”, it will then prompt you for the parametres.  Select “PCM Uncompressed”, “8000 Hz, 8 Bits, Mono”.  Play the recording back. If it doesn’t sound crisp and clear (perhaps your microphone is not the best quality), then try 11025 Hz.


We recommend you use a headset/microphone that can be plugged into your computer for the recording. Using the microphone built into the computer will not usually produce the best results.  The type of headset that works fine can be purchased at most electronic stores for about $20.


  1. Leave a few seconds of silence at the beginning to allow the person to put the handset to their ear. Otherwise, the recording might start too early before they are listening!
  2. It will take a few seconds for a person to recognise that this is a recorded message and not a real person speaking to them. So don’t go into the core of your message right away, as the recipient might miss it before they realise what’s happening. Start your message with some words to “announce” the message. For example: “This is a courtesy call from XYZ Company. We are calling you as a service to our valued clients.” Or another example: “This is a recorded message from XYZ Company for the residents of your household.”
  3. Speak slowly and pause where appropriate (commas, full stops). It is easy to speak too fast when you record.
  4. It is often recommended to repeat your core message in case the recipient missed some part of the content the first time.  Perhaps you want to tell them a phone number to call back, or you want them to remember some important detail. In that case, repeating the core message will help ensure the recipient retains the information you are providing.  So a recommended format for a message is:
    • Few seconds of silence
    • Announce the message
    • Speak the core message
    • “This message will now be repeated.”
    • Speak the core message
    • “Thank you. Good bye.”