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Broadcast lists Media Business Lists Online Broadcast Messaging

Your details

Change Registration Details

Change Your Password

Fax Messages

Acceptable Page Formats

Test Your Message

Broadcast Error Codes

SMS messages


Test to speech messages

Preparation of WAV file for voice broadcast

Why use Text to speech

Tips for Voice messaging (TTS)

Faq's and troubleshooting


Fix missing leading zeros in excel worksheet


1. How do I register to use Services?
You can register FREE for a Monthly Account from the Home Page. Just click on the button "FREE Registration" at the bottom of the Home Page. Simply fill in your details (compulsory fields are in red) and you will receive your secure Username and Password via email.

You can then start using to broadcast your documents!

2. How do I update my lists?
Select Broadcast Messaging, then select Manage Lists. Here you can add and/or delete recipients to a list or modify the contact details for a recipient.

3. How do I create a list?
Select Broadcast Messaging, then select Manage Lists and Name your new List. Import your List Data (with the Header Field containing: Reference, Recipient and Contact Address: i.e. Fax, E-mail, Cell Phone and/or Telephone Number including Area Codes) in a CSV or txt file.

4. My log-in fails. What do I do?
Log in can be effected by several browser related issues.

  1. If you see a small red circle with a small white line through it at the bottom of the browser screen, double click on it.
    Then Click on settings.
    Change your slide to accept all cookies.
  2. In the case of your computer bringing up a cached memory, select tools at the top of the screen.
    Then select Internet options.
    Click on delete files. Click OK. This will remove any temporary files.
    Close down and then reopen your browser. This should have cleared your cache memory.

5. I want to get Reports. How do I get them?

  1. Select view your History.
  2. Select the report you wish to view from the list provided.
  3. If you wish to receive regular reports then go to the index are on the left side of the screen, scroll down to Change my details. You can have reports sent to multiple email addresses separating email addresses with a comma.

6. I need multiple user ID's but only want one bill.
can supply one bill for multiple users in the same company as accounts are linked to individual companies. Alternatively, by using the same email address for your user ID's as your main email contact, you can have all invoices sent to the one email address for your accounting purposes.

7. What newspaper, radio and TV media contacts do you have?
If you select Media in the index box on the left side of the screen, and then scroll to the bottom of the service summary, there is a link which will allow you to view a list of all 's media recipients.

8. I just did a test fax broadcast. What happened to my fax?
Occasionally a test fax can take up to five minutes to be received. If you have not received your test fax after that period, then call our customer service line under "Contact Us" with the following information: job number, your user ID, number of pages in your test fax, the title of your test fax, and your contact number.

Remember to check that your fax machine is actually turned on. Very often, the reason that test faxes do not arrive is that the fax machine is still on "voice only" instead of "fax" setting.

9. I've just started a broadcast but want to cancel it immediately.
A broadcast can only be cancelled if has not already started delivering your message to recipients. Almost always, if you send a broadcast for immediate delivery, your messages will be sent in a matter of seconds. If your broadcast was scheduled to be delivered some time in the future, then canceling is straightforward.

See "Cancel Job" for instructions on how to cancel a job.

10. Where do you get your lists from?
uses a variety of sources to create and maintain our media lists. In addition to commercial list providers, our own team adds, verifies and updates contacts where requested by customers or members of the media.

11. What's my user ID?
If you forgot your user ID, you can go to our website, click on "Forgot your User ID or Password? Click here!" under the login button.

12. Can I merge personal information into my message?
Yes you can do this. The process to merge personal information into your email, SMS or text-to-speech message is automated. If you want to merge personal information into your fax document, please contact our Customer Support (see "Contact Us" at the bottom of the Home Page) line for help with this step.

13. I've been asked to remove a fax number from a list. How do I block fax numbers?
In the Index box on the left side of the screen, select "Manage Opt-outs". You can then add fax numbers (or indeed email, cell phone, or voice numbers) to an opt-out list. You can view your opt-out list or reinstate contact details if requested.

14. What's your privacy policy?
's Privacy Policy can be found at the bottom of the Home Page.

15. How can I reduce my fax transmission times?

  • Make sure your document is black and white only. Colors increase transmission time.
  • Reduce the number of images in your document, especially photographs.
  • Invert black and white in logos to decrease the amount of black or grey on a page.
  • The more "white space" you have in your document, the quicker your fax will transmit.

16. About inbound fax sender identification.
If you have an inbound fax setup with us, you can customize how the sender identification works in the email you receive.
Often fax sending systems are not properly setup to send the full fax sender details in the fax header, which means while we can tell you the number that sent the fax, we often can't tell you the NAME of the fax sender in your inbound email.
So we have a system so that if you know who is likely to be faxing you, you can put their name and number in a list and we will do the lookup and try to identify the sender name from their fax number.
To set this up, you need to create a messaging list through the "Manage My Lists" page with the name "Inbound Fax Senders". In thist list, just put the name and number of the people you expect to fax you in the "Recipient full name" and "Fax number" fields, and we will use this to work the name of who your faxes are from.